
Posts Tagged ‘youtube’

The way of the future in advertsing Real Estate listings

In Real Estate on May 10, 2009 at 3:08 pm

In 18 years of selling homes I’ve seen many changes in the “latest and greatest” ways to market listings. The majority of us Texas veterans started with printing black and white flyers with a dot matrix printer. What ever happened to those by the way? The best part about flyers was refilling the boxes usually emptied by neighbors. It’s wasn’t their fault, if I wanted a quick way to find my home’s value, I would have taken one myself.  So to overcome this, I used to deliver them to the neighbors and introduce myself.  Maybe tell them of an up and coming open house.

Of course the newspaper ads helped years ago, until they began charging almost 10 times what a garage sale ad cost. Magazines,  billboards, TV commercials, and the internet gave us more cost effective options to reach a broader market.  As we become a more wired nation, the internet has proved to be gold!  Can YouTube virtual tours be the next great idea?

Real Estate advertising is, and always will be, evolving. Open your mind to new ideas that benefit your needs, as well as those of your clients.

For more infomration check me out at 1PercentRealtyTexas.com.